What a great couple of weeks we have had in Kindergarten! Your children are learning rules, settling into routines, and are making new friends. We are still working on our discipline plan and remembering the rules. Please help out with this at home.
We will be collecting box tops this year. Please save and send them to school with your child! The class with the most gets a great surprise!!
Please help your child practice writing their name. We always start at the top line “hat line” and pull down to the bottom line “shoe line”.
We will have our first PTA meeting this Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. I hope to see everyone there.
We will be talking about letter Hh this week! In celebration of our letter, we will wear hilarious hats on Friday! Please send your child with a hat in their book bag. Thanks!
I will be sending home the Fun Friday schedule tomorrow. Please be sure and let me know if you have a conflict with your date. We can always reschedule!
Have a great week!