Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 27th- October 1st

We will begin report card testing on Monday. Please practice sight words and personal data.

Our first field trip is on Wednesday! I will have your child’s field trip t-shirt. I will have them change once they get to school. If you are a chaperone, please meet us at ASF. The show begins at 11:30. We can’t wait!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Doughnuts For Dads

We are so excited about our first annual Doughnuts for Dads. Please come to the Library from 7:30-8:10 for hot doughnuts, coffee, and milk. If your last name begins with A-H your day will be on September 22nd, I-Q September 23rd, and R-Z September 24th. If you are unable to come on your assigned day you may pick one of the other days to attend. If your dad cannot come, please bring someone special!



Fun Friday

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We had a great first Fun Friday. We read a

book about friendship and then made a friendship


Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12-16

We have started reading groups and everyone is getting into the swing of things. Please be on the look out for small group reading homework. These reading sheets do not need to be returned. Please keep these at home to practice.

This week we will be learning about the letter Mm as in Monkey on a Mountain. Word wall words for the week are five, go, so, no. Please practice these at home they will be tested at the end of this nine weeks.

In celebration of Mm week, if your child has a Minnie or Mickey Mouse they may bring it to school on Friday.

Please send in money for our ASF field trip if you have not already done so. Parent tickets are now sold out. Thanks!

Scholastic orders are due this Friday! Happy Book Hunting!

In math we will continue to make patterns. We are good at making simple patterns, but are going to work on making more complex patterns.

Thank you to all the “Grand” parents who came for lunch! We love and appreciate you!

Have a great week!IMG_3151












Thursday, September 9, 2010


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